Thursday, 14 December 2023

Income Tax deductions on the amount payable to the pensioners/family pensioners for the Financial Year 2023-24 in the months of Dec, 2023 & Jan, Feb, 2024 in 3 equal installments. Memo.No.FIN02-14060/112/2022-DSEC-DTA(Comp. No. 1899620) Dated:14-12-2023.


Memo.No.FIN02-14060/112/2022-DSEC-DTA(Comp. No. 1899620) Dated:14-12-2023

Sub: P.S.- T&A Dept., Pensions - Income Tax deductions on the amount payable to the pensioners/family pensioners for the Financial Year 2023-24 in the months of Dec, 2023 & Jan, Feb, 2024 in 3 equal installments - Certain - Instructions - Issued - Reg.

Ref: Note received from the CEO, APCFSS on 11.12.2023

Attention of all the DT&AOs of District treasuries in the state and the ATO, CRT, Mangalagiri is invited to the subject and reference cited. They are informed that in the reference cited the CEO, APCFSS has informed that they are not able to bring the New Tax Regime features in HCM system. However, I.T will be deducted by system in old tax regime, based on the requests received/made by the Treasury Officers only.

Further it was informed therein that, the APCFSS is going to provide Total income of each pensioner i.e., (SP +Arrears/ FP + Arrears/ SP+FP+Arrears) with the existing taxation options OLD/NEW very soon.

In view of the above, the following instructions are hereby issued for affecting Income Tax in respect of the pensioners in the state:-

◾Pensioners, who have given savings are to be added by the concerned Treasury officer into OLD tax regime and the rest of all pensioners shall be treated into NEW tax regime.

◾The Income Tax Calculation for the FY-2023-2024 is to be arrived and to be deducted by the Treasury Officers only (ATO / STO) in 3 equal installments during the months of Dec, 2023 & Jan, and Feb, 2024 through "Voluntary Income Tax Mass Upload" Option.

◾Processing of option can be made in 2010 excel version / latest version only which is as follows:-

◾Payroll Master Data --> Mass Upload --> Download the Template from Create File Section and fill it as per user manual shared previously and arrived tax amount is to be uploaded into HCM System. (User Manual is attached).

In view of the above, all the DTAOs in the state are hereby instructed to issue suitable instructions to their treasury officers to follow the above procedure scrupulously by affecting I.T recovery by themselves only.

If the treasury Officers having any doubts, they have to share those doubts by 16-12-2023 through email to the pension section ie.

Any deviation of the above instructions, the concerned Treasury Officer will be held responsible, as being the drawing and disbursing

officers. Further it is the responsibility of the treasury officers to see that the pensioners do not face any difficulty in income tax issues, due to above modified procedures.

Encl: as above.

N. Mohana Rao

Director of Treasuries and Accounts


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