Present: Sri S.Suresh Kumar, I.A.S.,
Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(3) , Dt: 01-06-2023
Sub: School Education – The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules – Conduct of two-day workshop with AD (Ser.), Superintendent, ASOs/APOs of all districts in the State on teacher transfers – Certain instructions – Issued.
1) G.O.Ms.No.47, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:22.05.2023.
2) This office Memo.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE, Dt:22.05.2023.
3) Instructions of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P during the webex held on 01.06.2023.
Government has issued rules for the transfer of Headmasters (Gr.II), School Assistants (SAs), Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs), and equivalent categories working in Government, Zilla Praja Parishad/Mandal Praja Parishad Schools in the State, and the same was communicated by this office along with the schedule for transfer counselling vide ref 1st & 2nd read above.
The process of transfer counselling is going on as per the given schedule. Further, the display of vacancies in all categories is scheduled on 04.06.2023. During the webex meeting held on 31.05.2023, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P clearly instructed all RJDSEs/DEOs and Special officers about blocking or non-blocking vacancies in some categories of posts in all Schools as per rules and in the interest of the students.
Therefore, all the RJDSEs/DEOs in the state are hereby instructed to depute the Asst.Director (Ser.), Superintendent, and ASOs/APOs who are looking after the subject of transfers to attend a two-day (02.06.2023 & 03.06.2023) workshop in the O/o.CSE., A.P., Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada, along with the details of vacancies in all categories of posts, so as to verify at the state level.
The Assistant Director, IT of this office and team are instructed to place teams for verification of vacancy positions in all categories.
Necessary TA/DA will be provided as per their eligibility.
Muvva Ramalingam
Joint Director, O/o.CSE., A.P
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