School Education – Mana Badi : Naadu-Nedu - Construction of Toilet Blocks and Water supply units in 11,826 Schools (664 Mandals) with the loan assistance of NABARD under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund XXVI(2020-21) – Administrative Approval - Accorded - Orders – Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 40 Dated: 28-08-2020.
Re adt hef ol lo wi ng;
1. G.O.Ms.No.87, SE (Prog.II) Department, dt.30.11.2019. 2. 3. 4. 5. G.O.Ms.No.7, SE (Prog.II) Department, dt.24.2.2020. G.O.Ms.No.22, SE(Prog.II) Department., dt.6.5.2020. From the Finance Secretary (RM&IF), Lr.No.FIN01- PMU0NABM(DSAA) /1/2020-JFA, dt.26.8.2020. From the DSE, AP, Lr.Rc.No.SS-13021/61/2020-DEE-SSA, dt.27.8.2020. ---xxx--- ORDER: In the G.O 1st read above, Government have accorded an administrative approval to the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., to take up the basic infrastructure works with nine (9) components i.e (i). Toilets with running water (ii). Electrification with fans and tube lights (iii). Drinking water supply (iv). Furniture for students and staff (v).Painting to school (vi). Major and minor repairs (vii).Green chalk boards (viii).English labs and (ix). Compound walls in all the Government Schools under Mana Badi: Nadu-Nedu programme, for transformation of Government schools in the State within a period of three years from the Current Financial Year, 2019-2020, by meeting the expenditure from the Head of Account of (I). 4202-01-202-06-210-217, (II). 4202-01-202-06-520-521 and (III). 4202-01-202-06-530-531, for implementing the project and also from various other sources of funding as permitted by the Government, from time to time.
2. In the reference 4th read above, the Finance Secretary (RM&IF) has informed that the RO, NABARD sanctioned loan of Rs.78112.79 lakhs out of total project cost of Rs.91897.40 lakhs under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund XXVI(2020-21) for Augmentation of Basic Infrastructure facilities in 11826 Government Schools. Further she has informed that in the GO 1st read above, Nadu-Nedu School Infrastructure Development projects were sanctioned under SDP and these are essentially the same projects which were posted to NABARD for sanction under Tranche XXVI and requested to issue a roll over order that the components of Toilet Blocks & Provision of Drinking Water facility under these projects shall be booked under “NABARD GSH-07” from the SDP-GSH-11. 3. In the reference 5th read above, the Director of School Education has submitted list of 664 Projects and 11,826 school wise detailed works and requested to accord administrative approval for these projects.
4. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby accord administrative approval to construct Toilet Blocks and Water supply units in 11,826 Schools (664 Mandals) with the loan assistance of NABARD which consists NABARD loan of Rs.78112.79 lakhs (Rupees Seven Hundred Eighty One Crores Twelve Lakhs and Seventy Nine Thousand Only) and State Share of Rs.13784.61 lakhs (Rupees One Hundred Thirty Seven Crores Eighty Four Lakhs and Sixty One thousand Only) under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund –XXVI(RIDF-XXVI). The details of 664 Projects and 11,826 school wise works are shown at Annexure-I and Annexure –II respectively. The expenditure under these works shall be booked under HOA 4202-01-202-07-35-530531.
5. The Director of School Education, AP and the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.
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