Thursday 23 July 2020

Discussing Points for the Nadu Nedu Webinar Meeting on 23rd July,2020

Discussing Points for the Nadu Nedu Webinar Meeting  on 23rd July,2020 

1. Water Quality Test at RWS labs should be taken for all schools and Should be Uploaded in CRP login APP. (R2.4 Report is for Monitoring) 

2. Some schools were facing issues in Working Estimates amount Reduction ,It was discussed and Option will be Enabled. 

3. Working Estimates Can be less than Admin sanction Amount. But Overall amount should not be less than Expenditure Amount Paid to School. 

4.  All Schools should Raise Central Procurement Indents  as per the Requirement , HMs will not be allowed to Raise Expenditure  bills if  Central Procurement Indents are not Raised. 

5. Option for Pull Back/Editing of  furniture indents in  HMs Login and Sanitary ware ,Painting in FE login  from 23 July   00:00:00 Hours  to 25th July 2020 12:00:00 Hours Only. 

6. PCs Decision is final in deciding Rates . Mandal Engineers can Advice but cannot object the decision. If rates are higher it  should given on Paper. 

7. All 9 Components should be taken Up . Mandal Engineer should accept works based on  requirements and needs given by PCs and to be included in working Estimates. 

8. For Demo Schools Central Procurement Indents Payments will be done directly to Vendor. For all Non Demo Schools Payments to the Supplied Quantity will be done through CFMS. 

9. Provision to Upload and acknowledge Central Procured Invoices will be Given in Mobile APP . 

10.  Any Surplus / Unused  Materials Can be sold to Another Schools on Cost Basis only after Resolution of Parents Committees. 

11.   Some  schools Received Revolving Fund but fund Not  utilized due to Various Reasons . A Government Account Details will be given for Refunding Excess Amount back to Treasury. 

12. Blank Cheques Leaves / Vouchers/Minutes  are being signed in Advance by PCs/FE. This should be Avoided. 

13. Engineering assistants not entering data in  Work Measurements books . All EE should give Mbooks to Engineering assistants  for Recording  all work Progress. 

14.  Honorable CM has extended the target Date of Completion to End of August 2020. 

15.  Don’t Engage Contractors unless permission is Obtained from Commissioner School Education . It is Punishable if Contractors  are engaged without Permission 

16. All HMs Should visit Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Website  and view HM Documents Section. 

17. Handwritten Bills/Vouchers Uploaded in Portal but Materials   not found  in Work Location(Ex. 20MM Metal,WPC Doors) but Issuing Cheques to Vendors.In this case disciplinary Action Will be Initiated 

18. Handwritten Bills/Vouchers Uploaded in Portal but Materials is not present in Work Location , Cheques are also not issued. Only Uploaded for showing Progress of works. 

19. Bills/Vouchers are attested by only HMS. Bills /Vouchers should be attested by HM and at least one PC Member also. 

20. Many Schools are not Maintaining/Using  Brands as Specified in GO / Circular given by Government while buying TubeLights,Wires ,Steel,Tiles etc  . 

21. Register Entry is not Updated Regularly by Schools by HMs. 

22. Most of the Parents Committees are not aware of the Works done in the Schools. 

23. Weekly Meetings are Not being conducted in Schools 

24. 100% schools will be taken up for Social Audit . If discrepancies found disciplinary action will be taken against Concerned Officials. 

25. Some HM are writing Self Cheques for more than 10000/- 

26. For Purpose of Showing Expenditure Bogus Bills are Uploaded 

27. Some Materials Are Purchased for Higher rate – Bill amount is different from Actual Payment Amount 

28. For Entire Mandal , Materials are  bought from same Shops but Variations in bills prices Across Schools 

29. Some AEE/DEE are forcing Schools to  buy Materials for Specific Shops only. 

30. Readiness For Delivery of Central Procured Indents provision will be Provided to HMs in Mobile App. HMs have to Confirm Readiness  as Per the checklist given in the Mobile App. 


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