Sunday, 29 September 2019




Useful Information :

1. Make sure the devices are connected to Internet while using forthe 1st time.

2. Except Youtube Videos,We can downloadall theother digital content / Online Courses on DIKSHA App.and view it offilne in the future. (Make sure there is enough memory space in the mobile/tablet)

3. Content viewed  on  DIKSH A app. is safe for the child as it is thoroughly checked/recommended by the expert teachers in the state.

4. To download App., User should own a Smart phone / tablet with Operating Software version Android 5.0 or after.

5. Updatethe App. at-least once in a month to get new features and bug free product.

6. No need of login id and password to scanand view the content placed in the QR code for Energized Textbooks (ETB).

7. Usage of the ETB will be tracked and will be projected on a Dashboard district wise similar to the content on DCR Dashboard.

8. We should not draw/write anything on the QR code.

9. We should not tear the QR code printed on the text book as scanning of QR code won't work.

10. We have to scan the QR code without bending/tilting/moving the QR code printed on the text book.

11. AP instance of DIKSHA app. is completely free of cost as it is built by NCTE-MHRD, Govt. of India, We don't need to pay any charge to anyone.

Expectations from the HM,

1. Affix DIKSHA Collaterals in the School/Classroom as shared by the DNO's.

2. Understand DIKSHA and it's use casesin AP viz.,

      o DIKSHA Portal and it's integration with APeKX
      o DIKSHA App
      o Getting Login Credentials
      o QR codeenabled Energized Textbooks (ETB),
      o Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Online Courses

3. Creating awareness/ hands-on training/It's advantages for Teachers and Students of his/ her school.

4. Inform Teachers/Students/Parents to refer Instructions printed inside the cover page of every text book across grades 6 to10 on How to use QR code textbooks.

5. Create awareness and out reach to the Community stakeholders viz.,Parents on How they can support their child learning by showing content in the QR codes of the text books through their smart phones / tablets.Viz.,PTM / SMC / Etc.

6. Ensure every Teacher gets QR code Text book for their respective subjects - This will help the teachers to plan better.

7. Encourage Teachers to use OCR / VCR to show Teacher made contextualized content via.,DIKSHA Offiine desktop application.

8. Usage of the ETB is getting captured on DIKSHA Dashboard and will be circulated at District level as of now.

9. Share the feedback / inputs from Teachers/Students on regular basis via Email. This will help us to improve content/product quality.

10. Help Teachers in getting login credentials.

11. Encourage Teachers to Pursue TPD Online Coursestomake them empowered.

12. In Case of any queries/ feedback, Please reach out to

Expectations from DEOs/DyEOs:

1. DEOs to appoint either OCR Nodal person from District IT Cell as Single Point of Contact (SPoC) forthe implementation  atdistrict level.

2. DyEOs to orient district administration, concerned School HMs/Teachers about the programme.

3. Issue of instructions to schools and concerned field officials as necessary during the implementation  of the programme.

4. Facilitate (with venue and other training logistics) teacher training and HMs' orientation.

5. Plan various Outreach Programs to create awareness among all the Stakeholders including Parents & Community.Viz., Education Melas / Column in the district edition of newspaper / Etc.
6. Conduct/ Participate in quarterly review of the programme implementation in schools.

7. DyEOs to include atleast 3 of these schools as part of monthly school visits.

8. Disseminate information to Private Schools on advantages of using DIKSHA.

Expectations from DNO's / IT Team :

1. DNO's will act as SPOC for all the schools in their respective district.

2. DNO's with the support of District officials/ HM's drives user adoption and increase usage.

3. Conduct various Outreach Programs to create awareness among all the Stakeholders including Parents & Community.Viz.,Education Melas / Column in thedistrict edition of newspaper / Etc.

4. Facilitate  (with venue  and  other  training  logistics)  teacher  training and HMs' orientation.

5. Share Training Materials/ Collateral swith HM's/Teachers.

6. Regularly  visit  schools and  get/share  Feedback/I nputs  on  the  content/product quality.

7. Provide strategies to DEO's / DyEO's on increasinguseradoption and usage.

8. Disseminate information to Private Schools on advantages of using DlKSHA.

9. Roll-out DIKSHA Offline desktop application in DCR...Share the usage analytics with HM's on the usage performance.

ENERGISED TEXTBOOKS Benefits and Use Cases - Information Brochure

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