SE Dept. - APSSA - Civil Works – Administrative approval accorded for repair works, providing additional amenities and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools in Andhra Pradesh with an amount of Rs.140.13 Crores for the F.Y. 2017-18 – Ratification - Orders – Issued.
Read the following:
1. From the SPD, SSA, A.P. Vijayawada, Lr.Rc.No.306/ APSSA/CW/DyEE-2/UP Schools/2017, dated:24.03.20172. GO.Rt.No.84,School Education(Prog.II) Dept., Dt:17.05.2017.
3. Proc.of the SPD, SSA, AP, Rc.No.1/APSSA/CW/DyEE-2/Paintings/2016, dt.6.12.2017.
4. From the SPD, SSA, AP, Lr.Rc.No.306/APSSA/CW/DyEE-2/UP Schools/2017, dt.13.8.2018.
In the reference 2nd read above, administrative approval has been accorded to the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Amaravati and the State Project Director, SSA, A.P. Amaravati to take up maintenance, repairs and paintings to “Upper Primary Schools” in the entire State of Andhra Pradesh with an estimated cost of Rs.347.40 Crores (Rupees Three Hundred Forty Seven Crores and Forty Lakhs only) approximately by calling tenders on e-procurement platform, before reopening of schools and they have been directed to identify the actual amount required to take up the works within the budget available or from savings.
2. In the reference 3rd read above, the State Project Director, SSA, A.P. Amaravati has issued administrative sanction for Rs.140.13 crores (Rupees one hundred forty crores and thirteen lakhs only) for the work “Providing repairs, additional amenities and Paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools in Andhra Pradesh from the Budget Estimates of 2017-18 towards maintenance of Government Schools in the State under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
3. In the reference 4th read above, the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, A.P., has requested the Government to sanction additional funds for an amount of Rs. 48753.00 lakhs under Capital grants under School Education HOD to recoup the amount advanced from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, otherwise provide the amount from the State Development Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan grants for the works of maintenance, repairs, and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools and 4984 Upper Primary Schools in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh.
3. In the reference 4th read above, the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, A.P., has requested the Government to sanction additional funds for an amount of Rs. 48753.00 lakhs under Capital grants under School Education HOD to recoup the amount advanced from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, otherwise provide the amount from the State Development Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan grants for the works of maintenance, repairs, and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools and 4984 Upper Primary Schools in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh.
4. In the circumstances reported by the State Project Director, SSA, A.P. in the reference 4th read above and in consultation with the Finance (FMU-SE) Department, after careful examination of the matter Government hereby ratify the action of the SPD, SSA, AP in having taking up repair works, providing additional amenities and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools in Andhra Pradesh with an amount of Rs.140.13 Crores pertaining to the F.Y. 2017-18 and accordingly Government hereby accord Administrative Approval for the said work.
5. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravathi / the State Project Director, SSA, A.P., Amaravathi shall take necessary action accordingly
6. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-SE) Department vide U.O.No.41022/186/2017, dt.18.10.2018.
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