Rc.No.1998/C2-1/96 Dt.16-08-1996
A. Inspections and Visits :
To draw a programme for academic year namely June-May in the prescribed form for the inspection of Primary/Upper Primary/Night Primary Schools in prescribed proforma and submit to District Educational Officer for approval by 30th April preceding the year to which it relates. Every Primary/Upper Primary School shoulbd be covered by one inspection, one follow up visit and surprise visit.
In addition to annual inspection, surprise visits, visits for impraovement should be made by the Mandal Educational Officers in their jurisdictions.
At least 5% of the Non-Formal Educational centres should be visited by the Mandal Educational Officers in every month.
At least two adult literacy centres should be visited in every month.
Monthly submission of inspection visit reports to Deputy Educational Officers by 5th every month.
Maintenane of inspection visit charts.
Inspection and visits to hostels.
B. Conduct of Meeting and Organisation of Seminars and Workshops :
To assist the District Educational Officers/Deputy Educational Officers and other Allied Agencies in organising meetings. seminaries and workshops to improve professional connections.
Organisation of School complex programme in every month.
To conduct teachers association meetings in every monthand providing guidance to teachers both academically and administratively.
C. Academic and Innovative Practices for Improvement of Quality of Education in Primary Schools/Upper Primary Schools :
Giving demonstration lesson and organising demonstration lessons by competent teachers adopting modern techniques and trends of teaching.
Adoption of one "C" category of School and develop it as model school through special visits , inspections and providing Model lessons.
Trying out innovation in selected schools.
Scrutiny of evaluation tools and procedures adopted and assessing their quality in the School academic activities.
Assessing the school on the basis of their performance in curricular and Co-curricular activities and bestowing more attention on these schools below the minimum level, as a priority. The Mandal Educational Officers should classify and identify the School on the criteria.
Providing guidance in the preparation and implementation of institutions and instructional plan and programme of supervised study and remedial instructions.
To encourage teachers in under taking research programme viz., Action reasearch work programmed learning, experimental project etc.
A. Opening of New primary Schools, Up-gradation of Primary Schools, Proposal for Recognition of Primary Schools/Upper Primary Schools etc. :
Sponsoring proposals for opening of new primary Schools in Schools less centres to the District Educational Officers.
Sponsorning proposals for up-gradation of primary Schools into Upper Primary Schools to District Educational Officers.
Recommendation of uneconomic primnary Schools / upper primary Schools to foreclosure if necessary.
Sponsoring proposals for the shifting of defunct or uneconomic Primary Schools / Upper Primary Schools to needy places with the provision.
Indentification of School less centres and updating schools survey annually.
Sponsoring proposals for temporary Recognition and permanent Recognition of Primary Schools / Upper Primary Schools.
Scrutinizing applications for Recognition and grant-in-aid in respect of Non-Government Schools and request for adhoc grant.
B. Enolement and Educational Statistics :
Updating the School age population in the age group of 6-11 and 11-13 age groups and also dropouts.
Classification of P.S/U.P Schools into A,B,C category on the basis of percentage of enrolement.
Fixation of target for Additional enrollment and accountability of teachers and Headmasters for achieving the targets.
Preparing plans for reducing wastage and stagnation.
Timely implementation of incentive programmes for improving enrolment and attendance in primary Schools.
Submission of quarterly reports enrolment by 5th of every month.
Collection and compilation of Educational Statistics.
C. Budget Showing Number Statements, Plan, Schemes, Bills, Salaries, Increments, Grant in-aid etc. :
Preparing and submitting the correct number statements,budget estimates and revised estimates to district educational officers.
Monitoring of plan,schemes and prompt submission of monthly expenditure statements by 5th of every month.
Taking action regarding sanction of leave,increments,pay fixation,maintaining service registers of all cateogiries of teachers in mandal praja parishad and their personal files.
(a) Passing bills of teachrs in MPP and obtaining letter of authority from Assistant Examiner of local Fund Accounts by 20th of every month, preparing cheques by 25th to enable the MDO to sign the cheques and dispatching them by 30th of every month so as to enable the teachers to draw their salaries on the last working day of every month, without fail.
(b) Passing TA Bills for encashment of Cheques and including these amounts in the salary cheques of succeeding months
(c) (i) Assessment of teaching grants to private schools.
(ii) to ensure the prompt payment of salaries to teachers in Private Schools through direct payment by the end of every month.
Clearance of Audit objections relating to elementary Education.
Prompt distribution of contingencies.
Action on P.S Share local contingencies and Mandal Share (M.M Scheme)
Submission of Utilisation certificate to grant releasing authority and reconciling monthly accounts.
Surrender of unspent balance of Education Grants.
D. Incentive Schemes, Supply of Note Books and National Text Books :
Supply of uniform and Nationalised Text Books to Green Card Holders of Primary School children and reported.
To assess the requirements of Note Books and Nationalised Text Books for the Schools in their jurisdiction in every year.
Checking the distribution of Nationalised Text Books, Slates, uniform supplied in Social Welfare Department and reporting.
E. Fixation of Cadre Strength, Vacancy Position Recruitment Pensions, Transfers, Deceased Teachers , S.Rs etc., :
Cadre strenght of each Primary / Upper Primary School and estimating the requirements of posts.
Sponsoring proposal for the sanction of Additional posts to Primary Schools / Upper Primary Schools to District Educational Officers.
Estimating the vacancy position of teachers of all categories and reporting to Z.P.P periodically i.e., every month.
Identification of surplus posts as per rules and sponsoring proposals for the transfer of posts to needy schools with provision.
Taking action to expedite pension proposals on be-half of retiring teachers.
Taking action to expedite proposals for release of family benefit to the families of deceased teachers.
Maintenance of teachers service books.
F. Implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme :
Deciding the number of feeding centres and allocation of beneficiaries.
Supply of Mid Day meals food material to all feeding centres without any interruption.
To keep proper stocks of the food material and render stock accounts.
Visits to Mid day meal centres and checking of relevant registers, accounts and stocks.
Submission of monthly returns of Z.P and CARE office.
Ensuring past beneficiaries to attend school regularly.
Issuing instructions and ensuring that all instructions draw institutional plans before the commencement of the academic year.
Providing guidance in the effective functioning of parent teachers Association at the Schools and Praja Parishad level for the promotion of School improvement programme. Assisting the :
The conduct of Examinations.
Organisation of District Science fair, Sports meets, Scout rallies, Educational weeks etc.
Proper distribution of Nationalised Text Books.
Supervising all the register relating to elementary Education and grants in the M.P.P Office.
Celebrating National Festival and other important days Viz., Teachers Day, Educational Week, Children's Day, Independence day, Republic Day,U.NO.Day etc.,
Formation of parent association at school as and M.P.P level for insisting public co-operation in utilising community resources for improvement of Schools.
Attending Standing committee Meeting and General body meetings of Mandal Praja Parishads and to review the Educational Developments in the Mandal.
Conduct of enquiries .
Maintenance and up keep of School building, furniture, equipment.
Any other work as entrusted by the Director of School Education/Regional Joint Director of School Education/ District Educational Officer/ Deputy Educational Officer. The powers and functions conferred on the Mandal Parishad Development Officers shall be exercised by the Mandal Education Officers in so far as drawing and disbursing of salaries to the teachers and other staff working in the Mandal Parishad Elementary Schools, sanction of all kinds of leave, increments, pay fixation and maintenance of Service Register of all category of teachers in Mandal Parishad in terms of G.O.Ms.No 40 Edn.Dated. 07.05.2001
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