File No.MAU02-11021/31/2018.J SEC-CDMA
Office of the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Gun tur.
Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3) Dated: 22-01-2019.
1) G.0.RLNo.507, MA&UD (DI)Dept.,dt.16.05.2018
2) Represenu1tions of certain Teacher Union 'sI Teach1.1rs.
3) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/2017/J3,dt.29.06.2018 oddressed to Govt.
4) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/2017n3, dnted.06.07.2018addressed to GovL
S) Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/0112018dL06.08.2018.
6) Oovl. Memo.No.C-533183/0 L/2018 dt.19.09.201 8.
7) This office Lr.Roe.No. II021/31/2018 (3396120 17/JJ), dt 27.09.2018
8) G.O.Rt.No.1137, MA&UD (DI) Dept., dt.18.12.2018.
9)This office Cir.Roe.No.I I 021131/2018 (3396/20 17/J 3), di.I0.01.2019.
I0) Thl.s office Cir.Roe.No.I I 021/3112018 (339612017/J3), dt.19.01.20 19.
Representation of cutnin reachers nnd tcnchcr un ions.
As per the instructions of the OMA, teleconference conducted \vith aJ I the
RDMAs on 21.01.2019.
ln continuation to the references 9th & 1o•h cited, alJ the appointing authorities i.e. Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioness of Municipal Adm in istration and the Comm issioner of GVMC and the Commissioner of VMC are informed that, certain Mun icipal teach ers and teacher rcpresenrative have requested to issue further inst ructions on Pbase--11 Municipal Tcncller Transfers on lntcrmanngcment tmnsferred Teachers and Spouse vorking points.
I 2. Therefore, ell the appointing authorities Le. Regionn l Dlrcctor-cum-Appellote Commissioners of Municipal Adm inistrat ion and the Commissioner of GVMC and the
Comn1issioner of VMC nre hereby instructed to lllk:e further necessary action on the follo\ving during the process or Phase-a Trnnsfers;
Jnteanona emonl Transferred Teachers :- The dote of join ing of the Teachers in the Municipal Service shall be treated as date of first appointment in case or Teachers transferred from Inter Management Institutions Le. Zilla Pnrishnd, MAndn l Parishnd, Oovcmmcot Schools er e., Instead of considering the date of first appointment (initial service) of the Teachers in the enrlier Management Schools, nnd accordingly 10101 service points shall be calculated. The Commissioners of lhe ULBs concerned hns to certify the same nnd report to the RDMAs com:emcd, \Vithout any devint ion.
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