Cir.Memo No.348/AIII/2018-19 Dated: 28-03-2018
Sub: CSE-Budget 2018-19–Distribution for Comprehensive Budget
Release Order(CBRO)–Requirement–Called for-Regarding.
Ref: G.O.Ms.No.43, Finance(Budget.I) Dept., dt:24.03.2018.
While enclosing a copy of the above reference cited, all the District Educational Officers (SCOs) and other UnitOfficers mentioned in the address entry is invited to the subject and reference cited and informed that the Government have informed that use the CFMS online screens to prepare the budget distribution among their SCO sand DDOs for the entire approved2018-19 Budget in accordance with the iranual workplan, programme priorities, monthly/quarterly fund requirement etc.
Further,they are informed that, there shallbe no treasury control for the following detailed heads as per said G.O.:
1. the HOAs relating to Salaries(DH-010); Wages(DH-020); Pensions(DH040); Other Contractual Services(DH-300); Fixed Travelling Allowance(DH110-SDH-114).
2. the subdetailed heads (SDH) Exgratia Payments (Accidentaldeath/Compassionate
Appointment)-SDH317, Obsequies Charges(SDH-318)
3. the sub detailed head 310/311.Grants in Aid towards Salaries pertaining to Schools/Colleges/Other Institutions.The DDOs shall furnish full details of employees along with Government sanction orders duly certified by the competent authority and Aadhaar Identification asin the case of 010. Salaries payable to Government employees. The treasury officers shall scrutinise the said bills critically and ensure that no omission/lapse be happened while admitting the bills for payment.
In view of the above, they are requested toobtain and furnish the requirement forthe Budget2018-19 based on the last year expenditure and requirement by detailed head wise in the following proforma on or before 31.03.2018, so as to enable to distribute the budget among SCOs in CFMS.
S.No. Head Of Account/Detailed head wise Amount Required for the F.Y.n2018-19
Further, all the District Educational Officers( SCOs) are informed that, soonafter completion of budget distribution at HOD level in CFMS, the amounts allotted to each SCO will be communicated/same will be visible by SCO login, and also informed that be prepared to distribute the same to the concerned DDOs under your control in CFMS by SCO level.
This should be treated as “MostUrgent” Sd/- K.Sandhya Rani
Commissioner of School Education
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