Rc. No. 3/B/C&T/ SCERTI2016
Dated: 27-01-17
Sub: SCERT, AP, Hyderabad Implementation of Examination Reforms certain guidelines for 5% external validation of SA-ll answer scripts by the Mandal level Validation team from 0l-02-20l 7 to 07-02-20l7 Orders -lssued Reg.
l. Announcement of llon‘ble Chief Ministel of Andhra Pradesh in public meetings.
2. GOMS No. 82 School Education (Prog-ll) Dcpt., dated 29.l0.20l5 of Govt. of A.P.
3. G.O.MS.No. l2 School Education (Progll) Dept.. dated 25-2-20l6 of Govt. of AP.
4. G.O.MS. No. 20 School Education (Prog.ll) Dept. dated 28-3-2016 of Govt. of AP.
5. G.O.MS.N0. 4 School Education (Prog.ll) Dept., dated 7-6-2016 of Govt. of AP.
6. G.O.MS.N0. l05 School Education (Prog.ll) Dept., dated 20-9-20l6 of Govt. of AP.
7. Proc.RC.No. 3/8/C&T/SCERT/20l6, dated l6-07-20l6.
All the District Educational Officers in the state here 'by informed that Government of
Andhra Pradesh has issued different 0.03 as mentioned in the references from 2 to 6 and Proceedings reference no.7 in relation to examination reforms. Common Summative ll Examination were conducted from class VI to X in all Schools under all Managements.
In continuation to the guidelines as per the reference 7 cited above all the District
Educational Officers are informed to constitute Mandal level validation committees for 5%
validation of the answer scripts of all the students from class V] to X in all schools under all managements. The following guidelines are in addition as per the G.O.Ms.No. 105.
1. 5% of the answer scripts of all subjects of all classes shall be verified at randam.
2. All Recognized schools by Government of Andhra Pradesh shall be covered irrespective of Managements.
3. Constitute Mandal level valuation team with all subject teachers. under MEO.
4. If the number of schools are'more than 8 constitute two committees to complete the valuation within 5 days.
5. Cover all UP and High schools for validation.
6. Plan to complete validation of all subjects answer scripts. from class VI to X in all schools within 5 days.
7. Involve Qualified and experienced private school teachers also for validation work.
8. Observations of the validation committee members report should be sent to concerned schools and comprehensive reports to DEOs through Mandal level committee.
9. MEO is the Node] Officer for validation and Dy.E.Os should supervise and update to the DEC every day.
10. Complete the process of validation between 01-02-2017 to 07-02-2017.
ll. Honorarium may be paid R3200 per day and conveyance as per the APTA rules from DCEB funds.
12. In case of urban areas divide total area into 3 or 4 clusters and cluster wise committee may constituted for validation to complete within 5 days. This is left to the decision of DEC.
13. After completion of 5% of validation instruct all the Head Masters to upload students data in the web site supported by AP online.
14. DEC has to conduct review meeting with all the Dy.E.Os and M.E.Os on the implementation process and its reports submitted.
15. Communicate detailed guide lines and instructions for follow up activities to all schools. Based on reports submitted by the validation teams.‘ '
Prof. M.V. Rajya Lakshmi
DIRECTOR ,SCERT Andhra Pradesh
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