Rc.No.3/B/C&T/SCERT/2016 Dated: 26-03-2016.
Sub:-SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – Model Primary Schools – Conduct of English Language Proficiency Test on 3-4-2016 for identified English Teachers – At district headquarter – Certain instructions issued - Reg.
1. G.O.Ms. No. 31 – 51, Setting of Model Schools.
2. Note orders of Secretary, SE, A.P. Hyderabad.
3. Note orders of CSE, AP, Hyderabad to identify one teacher from each school for teaching of English in Model Primary School.
All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, Commissioner of School Education, AP has decided to conduct proficiency Test in English for the identified teachers of English in the Model Primary Schools. The following instructions are issued for wide publicity regarding the conduct of English Language Proficiency Test among the teachers of English in Model Primary Schools as follows:
* * * * *
1. Date of Examination: 3-4-2016
2. Timings of Test: 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
3. Standard of the test is Intermediate level (English)
4. Prepare nominal roles
5. Identify one Examination centre at the district headquarter on are before 30-3-2016
6. In case more than 300 teachers constitute two centres at district headquarter only.
7. Depute one officer to SCERT to receive confidential material on 1-4-2016.
8. Give wide publicity in all leading newspapers regarding the date and time of the examination.
9. Make proper arrangements to ensure 100% attendance to the examination.
10. Inform to the identified English Teacher through MEO immediately and obtain acknowledge (preserve for record purpose).
11. Place indent regarding required number of question papers to SCERT by 29-3-2016.
12. Issue of Hall Tickets by 30-3-2016.
13. Prepare list of invigilators 20:1. (invigilators should be Telugu and Hindi pundits and Physical Education Teachers.
14. Identified route officers and sitting squad for smooth conduct of examination.
15. Appoint one chief and departmental officer per centre.
16. If more than 200 teachers appoint an additional departmental officer.
17. Submit the answer sheets through a gazetted officer on 4-4-2016 at SCERT, A.P in sealed trunk box.
18. The detailed guidelines will be communicated shortly.
Prof. M.V. Rajya Lakshmi
Director, SCERT
Andhra Pradesh
The All the District Educational Officers in the state of A.P.
Copy to the CSE for information.
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