Cir.Memo.No.GAD01-PU0GAD/27l2022-PU-B. Dated: 27-12-2022.
Sub: GAD - PU - Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System)- Implementation of Attendance by Photography (FRBAS) to all the employees of all levels, acrossthe State - Orders Issued - Appointment of Nodal Officers Reg.
Ref:- G.O,Ms.No.159 G.A(PU-B) Dept., dated:26-12-2022.
The attention of the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments and District Collectors is invited to reference cited wherein orders have been issued for implementation of Attendance by Photography (Facial recognition Based Attendance System) to all employees of all categories across the State, and to implement to the employees working in the offices of Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments and District Offices w.e.f. 01-01-2023, and to the employees of all other offices w.e.f 16.0L.2023. The ITE&C Dept., has been directed to develop necessary mobile application through APCFSS in consultation with the departments.
2. All Departments of Secretariat are therefore requested to appoint a Nodal Officer for FRBAS (Not below the rank of MLO, preferably MLO dealing with OP), for providing required information to ITE&C Department, and to officials of APCFSS for development of Mobile App for their employees and to pursue the Enrolment process. The Heads of Departments shall appoint an officer (Not below the rank of Dy. Commissioner/Dy. Director) as Nodal Officer for their HOD and subordinate offices. Similarly, in Collectorates, the District Revenue Officer(DRO) of the Collectorate shall be appointed as Nodal Officer. The DRO shall look after the process of enrolment of employees of Collectorates as well as the employees in all District Offices in the District in coordination with the District Information Officer, NIC for implementation of FRBAS. The details of Nodal Officer in the following format shall be intimated to the Dept., ITE&C and APCFSS by 4.00 p.m. on 27-12-2022 through e-mail at, &
Name of theDeDartment:
Name of theOffice:
The Nodal officers shall provide all necessary information to ITE&C department and APCFSS in Time Bound manner as required frOm time to time and pursue enrolment process of employees and implementation of FRBAS.
3. The spl.chief secretary/Prl.Secretary/secretary to Government of the Department is responsible for implementation of Attendance by Photography in respect of employees of secretariat Department, and the employees of the Heads of Departments under his administrative control'
4. The Heads of the Department are responsible for implementation of Attendance by Photography in his HoD and in all their subordinate Offices upto Village level. The District Collectors are responsible in respect of Collectorates and also all District Offices in their Districts.
5. The ITE&C Department/ APCFSS shall take immediate necessary action to develop the Mobile Application for FRBAS in consultation with the Nodal Officers of Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments, Collectorates, District Offices etc. They shall provide necessary Training to the Nodal Officers. They shall also provide required material/User Manuals/ enabling the employees to enroll in Mobile Application.
6. This shall be treated as "MOST URGENT".
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