Present. Dr B. Pralap Reddy
All the District Educational Officers in the state are here by informed that the Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to establish English Medium in primary schools across the state from the academic year 2020-21.
Accordingly with the direction of MS VETRI SELVI IAS Special Officer English Language instruction Cell (EM IC): The SCERT AP Amaravati has been organizing workshops with the state technical coordinaior DIKSHA, SGT, DIET Teachers, English language experts, Textbook writers etc.. 10 develop English e content viz. Videos. audios, self assessments for the benefit of our teacher to improve their English language proficiency and also to enhance the efficiency of teachers in English medium teaching.
The e-content developed is being linking to teachers self-learning app by hosti ng them on DIKSHA, AP platfom .
Hence. SCERT is planned to conduct a non-residential workshop from 1 7.02.2020 to 20.02.2020 at 4tn Floor. B Block. O/c CSC. Anjeneya Towers. lbrnhimpatnam to curate & review the created e content.
The District Educational Officers are requested to relive the participants mentioned in Annexure- I. The participants are requested to report to the program coordinator on 17.02.2020 at 9.00 a.m. sharply at the same venue.
They may contact Dr. T. Mahammad Ismail, Venue Coordinator Cell: 9849979717 for further details. TA/DA will be paid as per norms. Biometric attendance will be taken at the venue. The particìpents are requested to attend the workshop withh their laptops.
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