Monday 28 September 2020

Unlock 5.0 Guidelines: More relaxations for cinema and tourism; what to expect

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Unlock 5.0 Guidelines: More relaxations for cinema and tourism; what to expect

Unlocking after the nation-wide lockdown has been long-drawn process. Unlock 4.0 of the phased relaxation will come to a close on September 30th. Now, the government will be releasing a list of guidelines in Unlock 5.0. 

Among the relaxations, it is expected that cinema and tourism will be reopened to give a boost to these two industries which have faced some of the worst losses due to the pandemic.

What will be open in Unlock 5.0?

Under Unlock 4.0 services like salons, malls and restaurants were allowed to open in a curtailed manner which will come to an end on September 30th. Now, in Unlock 5.0 one might expect that cinemas might reopen which have been shut for months on end ever since the pandemic began.

All the services which will be allowed will, of course, be permitted subject to conditions and restrictions so as to limit the risk of the spread of infection. The Prime Minister in his session with the chief ministers had insisted on reassessing the need for containment and lockdowns in a way that curbs Covid-19 spread. However, he had further said because of this, economic activities should not face problems. Delhi Airport's Terminal 2 will also be operational starting on October 1st. 

While, education too as taken a terrible hit, perhaps the classes 9-12 will continue appearing at school on a voluntary basis, while primary classes will remain shut for a while longer, HT reported. When it comes to cinema halls only open-air theatres were allowed to open in Unlock 4.0 despite cries from cinema owners.

More tourism centres and destinations are expected open in Unlock 5.0 just as the Taj Mahal recently began seeing visitors in Unlock 4. The MHA is likely to issue the guidelines for Unlock 5.0 soon.

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